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T-Shirts with Big Writing Aren't Cool - Chewing on Tinfoil


I have a special fondness in my heart for those rowdy boys from Ireland, Chewing on Tinfoil. And they've been sweethearts, sharing their music with me. Today I bring you their half of a 7"-split: T-Shirts with Big Writing Aren't Cool, a song name that has very little to do with the song itself but which certainly caught my attention.

Here, Chewing on Tinfoil is right on their game, acerbic and defiant and rockin'. Give them a listen and check out the posts linked above to their first album and EP, respectively. As ever, I think they're developing an enjoyable style and the experience from the ton of touring they've been doing definitely shows. I still say they should play with The Rumble Strips sometime, though.

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