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Stitched Up - Herbie Hancock feat. John Mayer


I don't know why I don't listen to more Herbie Hancock. It seems half the time I hear him somewhere I enjoy it but I never seek him out for an extended listen. That's just foolish!

Stitched Up is an excellent case in point. I half-heard it in a noisy restaurant, managing only to catch two lines near the end. Google obligingly offered up the name of the song and I immediately listened to it three or four times, dancing with hubby and generally loving the song.

And so, as I embark on a long-delayed gorging on Herbie Hancock's catalog I'll just leave Stitched Up here for you to all enjoy. Get your toes ready for tapping before you hit play.

Stitched Up by Herbie Hancock & John Mayer on Grooveshark

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