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Somebody Told Me to Feel Good - Aggro1


I've spent the past hour listening to Somebody Told Me to Feel Good in a dozen different places looking for a place to recommend for download. Sadly, the song doesn't appear on the now-abandoned aggro1 site. It's been posted a few times on YouTube but this one actually includes clips of the relevant videos, un-synchronized though they are.

In case you hadn't guessed, Somebody Told Me to Feel Good is a mashup, and one of epic proportions. It takes The Killers' Somebody Told Me and stirs it into Gorillaz's Feel Good. As with all excellent mashups, the sum is greater than the total of its parts.

This is by far not the only mashup of what is probably the best-known Killers song out there. Heck, it's not even the only Somebody Told Me mashup I've posted! I believe I have one or two more lurking in my secret mashup box but this one has quickly become one of my favorites. If you know where I can download it I'd adore a recommendation!

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