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Ain't Nobody's Business - Billie Holiday or Ella Fitzgerald


I'm working up a Squidoo lens on Ain't Nobody's Business, the various versions of the sentiment from the past 65 years. I'll update this post with a link when I'm done. I failed to realize that, not only did many fantastic blues artists cover the ever-defiant Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do, including Billie Holiday, but that Taj Mahal's Nobody's Business But My Own has completely different lyrics from, say, Ella Fitzgerald's Ain't Nobody's Business But My Own. As you can imagine, that's very much complicated my life. Until I've managed to compile my thoughts, please enjoy these two classic versions.
Taint Nobodys Business If I Do - Billie Holiday
Aint Nobodys Business But My Own - Ella Fitzgerald
Buy Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do
Buy Ain't Nobody's Business But My Own

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