Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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Memphis Women and Fried Chicken - Dan Penn


Dan Penn is better known as a songwriter than a performer but his take on Memphis Women and Fried Chicken, which he co-wrote, may persuade you to wish he'd do more recording. It's a great, Southern-fried mess of organ and horns, a honky-tonk stomp blues that makes you get up and move...and want some fried chicken. I don't know that I ever wanted to go to Memphis before I heard this song but every time I hear it I get a hankerin' to visit the South. I hear there's cornbread and ribs, too. And pie with homemade iced cream. Dang, I'm hungry now.

Have a listen to Dan Penn singing the praises of Memphis Women and Fried Chicken. Do let me know if you like it and if you're craving some good, Southern food, too.

Memphis Women and Chicken by Dan Penn on Grooveshark

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