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Mashup of the Month: I Wanna Be Dentated/Blitzen's Bop


I bring you joyous news, this holiday season: Santastic VII has just been released. You can download the whole album for free from DJ BC's site but I thought I'd give you a particular recommendation because, well, Mojochronic's double-Ramones mash has been tickling me for days.

It's actually pretty rare that at mashup of holiday classics really works for me. In this case, however, not only have the songs been matched perfectly but the vocals have been combined in such a way that The Ramones sound as filled with Christmas cheer as those cheesy old chestnuts they're now backing.

Sadly, the version on Grooveshark is from four years ago and isn't nearly as polished as the new one that I linked above. Have a listen to get the idea and then download the new, extra-awesome I Wanna Be Dentated. Let me know if you agree, would you? And don't miss DJ Schmolli's Jingle Bells Pon de Floor while you're there.

I Wanna Be Dentated / Blitzen's Bop by Mojochronic on Grooveshark

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