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Songs My Kids Like: Stuart – Dead Milkmen


You know you’re around a Dead Milkmen fan when a story ends with, “Pow! He was decapitated!” Well, in my house he was decaffeinated because we don’t want to traumatize our kids. Of course, the dire consequences of depriving someone of their caffeine remain the same: head over by the sno-cone concession.

If you want to see the full “lyrics” of Stuart, I’ve got those somewhere else. Here, I’d just like to express how much I adore it when my children say to one of their friends, “You know what, [insert name here]? I like you.” The other kids don’t get it but it makes me grin like a fool every time.

Have a listen to Stuart and understand why "Beelzebubba" will always be the Dead Milkmen’s best album. You are, of course, free to disagree, with specific song recommendations to refute my nomination. Then again, you’re more than welcome to cheer my selection with a hearty “hear, hear!” I’d love to hear from you either way.

Stuart by The Dead Milkmen on Grooveshark

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