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Musicology - Prince


The Prickly Purple One celebrates his birthday and you know what that means: Prince for all! Today, enjoy the funky, wacky title track off the "Musicology" album released in 2004. Say what you will about the strange little man, he can put together a groovy song when he puts his mind to it.

As so often happens with self-indulgent musicians, this one goes off the rails a bit and could have been trimmed back to 3:50, right after "don't you ever touch my stereo". He'd already fit in "we're jukebox soldiers", which I would take to mean that they love The NPJ except, well, technically it didn't exist then. Pft, details.

At any rate, Happy Birthday, Prince! May you keep getting funky and bringing the old school for many years to come. And, for what it's worth, I still think you and Robert Randolph should play together.

Musicology by Prince on Grooveshark

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