Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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Related or Not: Barenaked Ladies and The Connells


Once upon a time The Connells and Barenaked Ladies were two of my favorite bands. As one has fallen into obscurity and the other into the popularity trap they've also fallen of the "must hunt new albums at once" list.

That does not, however, mean that I stop listening to older songs that I love. And of course I find parallels in the strangest places. Take, for instance, The Joke and Humor of the Situation. The first was released on "One Simple Word" in 1990, the year I actually saw The Connells perform live. The second song came along ten years later on "Maroon". But the moment I heard the latter I knew it was born to follow the former.

Today I bring you both songs and ask what you think. Related or not?

Humor of the Joke by legbamel on Grooveshark

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