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Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa - Various Artists


It's not often you get the chance to post such a modern song as covered as Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa. Yet the Vampire Weekend song appears to have captured the imaginations of all sorts of people. I love the Hot Chip cover with Peter Gabriel, if only for the sardonic observation that "it feels so unnatural to sing your own name". I've posted the cover from The Very Best already but for this list I've added the original, a Lykke Li cover (dreadful sound quality and all), and a couple of remixes to entertain you as well. I couldn't get the Banjo or Freakout version to play on Grooveshark but you can listen to it at various places around the interwebs. In the meantime, have a listen to some of the various takes folks have had on Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa. Let me know which you like best. I'm still voting for The Very Best.

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