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Private Eyes - The Bird & The Bee


I've got another two-for-one song today, a cover of a creepy stalker song. Apparently The Bird and The Bee recently released an entire album of covers of Hall & Oates songs, including the ever-so-freaky Private Eyes. Wait, does four months ago still count as recently? Whether or not it does, you should have a listen if you know any of the 80s hits covered. This duo does relatively faithful versions and Inara George manages to accompany her own ethereal voice with style and a convincing amount of ennui. Greg Kurstin manages a host of synth sounds that keep the song faithful to the originals without making them sound dated, a pretty neat feat 25 years later. I don't know if they intend to record a Volume Two covering another unlikely "master" but I look forward to hearing it if they do. In the meantime, have a listen to Private Eyes and see if you like what they've done with Darryl Hall's vocals. I certainly do.

2 Responses so far.

  1. I never cared for this song by Hall and Oates, but this version is good! Lots more pizazz than H & O.

  2. Unknown says:

    I liked Hall & Oates, but in some ways the song is even creepier with that sweet little voice. :D

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