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Run Runaway - Slade


I've been debating posting Slade's Run Runaway for days but it just so happens that I like the song. It's been stuck in my head the whole time. I heard it the other day and I realized that I couldn't think of another song by the band. Luckily, Grooveshark was there to help, as always, and I quickly found out why. It's a ridiculously happy song and I was expecting some sproingy early New Wave, someone just on the weird side of bubble-gum pop. My mind associates this song with Iko Iko and the heady days of making mix tapes on actual tapes. It turns out that Slade was actually a cheesy, wanna-be-hard rock band. They recorded some cover songs, including a notably bad but faithful attempt at Cum on Feel the Noize (someday I'll subject you to a Versions post on that song), and a few more albums but none of it sound like Run Runaway. That's too bad, really. I think they'd have had a lot more success.

2 Responses so far.

  1. Oh yeah! Slade are legends in Britain. They are everyone's favourite "Shameful secret" You can't go anywhere at Xmas time without hearing there very famous Xmas song.
    "Cum on feel the noise" was actually original Slade, written by their lead singer Noddy holder (Who wrote all their songs)

  2. Unknown says:

    Ack! That one was theirs first? Curse you, Quiet Riot, for doing such an awesome job of covering it! At first I thought you were saying that Cum on Feel the Noize was their very famous Christmas song. :D
    Thanks for the clarification.

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