Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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Fakin' Jamaican - Skankin' Pickle


I said to myself this morning, "Do you know what the NPJ needs? It needs some Skankin' Pickle." Obviously, I trust myself enough to know that I was exactly right. Then again, I was working on a lengthy lens on the evolution of ska, so it may be that I inadvertently influenced myself by listening to four decades' worth of back-beat and horns. But I've liked Fakin' Jamaican for a years, so I decided that the time is ripe to remind the world (or at least you, dear readers) of the song. Sure, I could have gone with The Toasters or The Beat, but somehow Skankin' Pickle just fit the bill today. Have a laugh at the expense of the poseurs, folks, and drop me a note naming your favorite ska song, if you've got one. I'll post a link to the lens if I can ever finish the thing.

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