Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh - Say Hi to Your Mom


One of the best things about Amazon is that you can get fantastic free music, if you're willing to invest the time to sort through the pap. Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh from Say Hi to Your Mom demonstrates this perfectly - a band that I'd not heard of and a song that I'd never seen before offered for free as part of a label's sampler (Barsuk Records, if you're curious). You, too, can download the song for free (although the band name has, for some reason, been abbreviated to "Say Hi"). While you're there, check out some of the dozens of other free samplers, albums, and tracks that will, in theory, lure you into purchasing more music from these artists. At the very least, you can get an idea of just how many independent labels hide in plain sight, producing music far outside the mainstream.

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