Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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Calypso Blues - Nat King Cole with Damien and Stephen Marley


If you're a regular reader of the NPJ, you likely already know that I'm a big fan of Nat King Cole. I'm not, however, a fan of Natalie Cole “performing with” him. For that reason, I avoided checking out the “RE: Generations” album, as the only song I'd heard was Straighten Up and Fly Right, one of my favorites, in which she stamped sang all over the lovely, original vocals.

To my delight, I heard this version of Calypso Blues on KNDS yesterday and have been forced to reconsider my dismissal of the album. This super-danceable version of the song, with Stephen and Damien Marley, is just the thing to get you over the hump that is Wednesday, with nary a Natalie note in sight (or hearing, for that matter). Do some chair dancing with Nat King Cole and a couple of Marleys, and concentrate on how close Friday is coming.

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