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Santa Claus Is Selling Crack - Nuclear Rabbit


For those of you unfamiliar with Nuclear Rabbit, or whacked-out joker punk in general, consider this a representative holiday introduction. Green Jelly (their first album, before they had to stop using the name Green Jell-O) and Mr. Bungle were gentler versions of this jangly, hyperactive, screaming band. In Santa Claus Is Selling Crack, you actually get a mellow song, for Nuclear Rabbit, and one that clearly shows the band's influence on Mr. Bungle. I wanted to post Supermarket, but imeem didn't have it and I'm feeling lazy because of the local blizzard. So instead, Happy Holidays, and enjoy the punk spirit of the season.

Santa Claus Is Selling Crack - Nuclear Rabbit
You can't buy the individual tracks, but you can get "Vicuna", the album with both Santa Claus Is Selling Crack and Supermarket, not to mention Chernobyl Hamster, Secretly Meaty, and twenty-three other fun-loving tracks.

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