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Usual Suspects - Ha Ha Tonka


Ha Ha Tonka not only has a fun name to say but they play some fun, country-fried, pseudo-bluegrass music. Usual Suspects details the story of a small-town Jezebel, a pretty tried-and-true subject but, by perhaps accidentally invoking the movie, it makes me picture Kevin Spacey trying to avoid the attentions of some overly made-up high school girl in a skimpy sundress.

Okay, I didn't until I made up that last part. I'm easily distracted today. At any rate, Ha Ha Tonka pulls of such lyrics as "100% I'm made of cotton, I shrink when I sink in hot water. That little girl, so hot she's scalding, ain't gonna be nothin' left of me."

As a metaphor that's pretty original. The driving beat behind it keeps you starting over, even though the song ends pretty much just like any other small-town girl story. If you like Usual Suspects have a jam to their cover of Red Meat's 12-Inch Three Speed Oscillating Fan or St. Nick on the Fourth in a Fervor.

Ususal Suspect by Ha Ha Tonka on Grooveshark

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