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The Way We Move - Langhorne Slim


Langhorne Slim lands somewhere between indie and bluegrass on the genre spectrum. Is there such a thing as alt-bluegrass? Whatever the label, I was introduced to him via The Way We Move and thus I expected him to stay much more on the banjo-and-horns, indie side of the coin. This is the sort of song that makes you get up and dance, barefoot in the grass, at a backyard barbecue.

Sadly, that scratchy voice doesn't translate well in a lot of songs. It tends toward a nasal, bluegrass-y sound that I don't particularly like. Langhorne Slim does, however, do a fair few songs that give you that "get up and move" vibe nearly as well as The Way We Move does.

If you like this one, try I Love to Dance and Rebel Side of Heaven, which offers the bonus of an interesting take on the afterlife. If I'm missing some other great songs, drop me a note and recommend them, would you dears?

The Way We Move by Langhorne Slim & The Law on Grooveshark

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