Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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Smokin' the Boys - Audra Mae & the Almighty Sound


Guess what I've got for you today, boys and girls? A rockin', stompin', howlin' song about a girl that drag races. If Smokin' the Boys doesn't get your butt out of that chair then there's not a blessed thing Audra May, The Almighty Sound, I, or anyone else can do to help you.

I'm not quite sure how to classify Ms. Audra Mae and the AS. Smokin' the Boys rocks but songs like Jebediah Moonshine's Friday Night Shack Party fall well into the rockabilly realm. But the songs on Soundcloud definitely don't fit that idea.

Bah, who needs labels? Click over to Grooveshark and Soundcloud for more Audra Mae & the Almighty Sound if you like Smokin' the Boys a tenth as much as I do. Then come back and let me know what you think.

Smokin the boys by Audra Mae & The Almighty Sound on Grooveshark

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