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You! Me! Dancing! - Los Campesinos!


For a song with so many exclamation marks, you may be surprised at how the (exceedingly-long) intro to You! Me! Dancing! drags. I promise, Los Campesinos! earns the punctuation, eventually.

I'm torn on this song. Parts it make me bounce around, the confession that the lead singer can't dance a single step makes me smile, and the utterly self-indulgent first minute and forty seconds makes me want to dropkick a kitten.

And so I offer You! Me! Dancing! up to you, my dears. Have a listen, being patient with or speeding past the needless beginning, and share your thoughts. Love it? Hate it? Let me know!

You! Me! Dancing! by Los Campesinos! on Grooveshark

2 Responses so far.

  1. C says:

    Best song ever. Just stumbled across your blog while looking for a jukebox for my own. Happened to see Los Camp and thought i'd show some love. They're basically my favourite band.

  2. Unknown says:

    Fabulous! Thanks so much for saying so and for showing them some love. They definitely deserve it.

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