Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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Fire of Unkown Origin - Blue Oyster Cult


I tend to forget just how weird Blue Oyster Cult really was. But every time I decide to give them a good listen again I am surprised by the goofiness. Songs like Godzilla and I'm on the Lamb but I'm No Sheep bring me back to them every time. But my favorite of their songs isn't the over-played (Don't Fear) The Reaper and no, it's not Tattoo Vampire. When I really want to get nostalgic I listen to Fire of Unknown Origin off of the album of the same name. It was the first song of theirs I ever heard, on a turntable in a house where I was babysitting for a whole weekend for the first time.

Now, at the time I was about fourteen. I wouldn't trust a kid that age with a toddler and a baby for anything but this was...um, several years ago. At any rate, the folks for whom I sat regularly had a great record collection but this was the first time I really decided it was okay for me to mess with their stereo. And so my ears were opened to BOC a few years later than they could have been but I made up for it by getting the album at the earliest opportunity and then picking up a bunch more. I took shelter in the land of "Imaginos" in my most angst-y teen years and still have the cassettes and vinyl I picked up so long ago. So I'm sharing this little blast from my past and wondered if any of you had a song that introduced you to a band or a genre that has stuck with you for a very long time. Anyone?

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