Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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Uma Menina - Gogol Bordello


When I get a new album, as I did from Gogol Bordello this week, I listen to the whole thing straight through immediately. Then, if I own more from the same artist, I listen to the whole shooting match on shuffle to see how the new stuff fits with the old. If it’s someone like They Might Be Giants or Taj Mahal I just pick two or three other representative albums from across their lengthy career.

This year’s “Trans-Continental Shuffle” marks my third “hard copy” purchase from Gogol Bordello so I spent some quality time listening to their work yesterday. I’m happy to report that this album fits beautifully with the songs on “Gypsy Punks” and “Super Taranta!”, continuing the sound you (may not) know so well. The wild energy continues, the defiant but hopeful theme remains, and their softer sound emerges on a few songs like Sun Is on My Side.

No one song stood out as “the best” to me on this one, because I like so many of them. I’m going to share Uma Menina because it’s stuck in my head right now, but the first two tracks would likely intrigue those of you new to Gogol Bordello just as well. I can't help but think you'll be wandering around singing, "She she she she she she she she she she she she told me."

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