Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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One Crowded Hour - Augie March


At first listen, Augie March's One Crowded Hour is your typical, angsty song about love lost. Indeed, if you simply hear the song in passing you likely would think to yourself, "What a nice song," and nothing more. The beauty of this song, though, lies in the lyrics and the way it builds. What caught my ear after having heard the song a few times, was these lines in the first verse:

If love is a bolt from the blue
Then what is a bolt but a glorified screw
And that doesn't hold nothin' together.
Suddenly I started to listen to the song rather than simply having it on the background. Augie March's imagery, both clear and unusual, sweeps you along and makes One Crowded Hour much more than the sum of its parts. The same holds true for so many of his songs--the writing makes them much stronger than a simply first listen would imply. If you like this one, have a listen to much more at Grooveshark. Try Honey Month for a New-Orleans-flavored opening from this Australian gent. One Crowded Hour may be a lot more mellow than my usual selections but not every day can be happy.

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