Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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Call Me the Breeze - Lynyrd Skynyrd


Lest you all begin to think that I have no appreciation for the finer points of classic rock, let me remind you all of this fantastic version of JJ Cale's Call Me the Breeze, wherein Lynyrd Skynyrd rocks the heck out of a fantastic song, with a bluesy piano solo and generally makes you think, "Dang, that was a great tune!" If you like this one (and can remember the days when microphones were on stands that you had to carry around with you, with wires that loved to trip up others), take a look at the Eric Clapton version with JJ Cale himself. That one's a great deal slower, but it's a lovely performance nonetheless. What more can I say about a classic than, "Dig that 70s hair, man"?

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