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Too Old to Get Married (Too Young to Be Buried) - Eddy Clearwater


I love songs by talented musicians who complain about getting old while rocking the heck out of what they're playing. In this case, Eddy "The Chief" Clearwater (that'd be the opposite of Muddy Waters, as the apocryphal story goes) and Lonnie Brooks riff off of each other and bemoan the fact that they are Too Old to Get Married and too young to be buried. The track comes from Clearwater's "West Side Strut" album released in 2008, and such an impressive amount of guitar blues and rock is enclosed therein that it's difficult to believe that the man is in his 70s.

You can hear a bit of Muddy Waters here, and a smidgen of Bo Diddley, as well as a liberal dose of Chicago blues. If you want a little trivia, Ronnie Brooks produced the record and wrote Too Old to Get Married (Too Young to Be Buried) for Eddy Clearwater and his father to enjoy. You can very clearly hear just how much fun they're having in this recording.

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