Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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Last Wish of the Bride - Gogol Bordello vs. Tamir Muskat


As if Gogol Bordello weren't interesting enough, with their multi-cultural sound and punk-infused craziness, they branched off into the "Jewish-Ukrainishe-Freundschaft" or JUF for an album or combined gypsy-electro-punk that wanders all over the musical map. From When I Was a Little Spy, which I really wanted to like considering my love of spy music, to the JUF Dub, a rather uneven but more entertaining song, to Last Wish of the Bride, the most successful song on the record.

The steady beat, the varied instrumentation, and the familiar voice of Eugene Hutz pull together on this one (what is with Gogol Bordello and weddings, anyway?) and it's a fun song. I prefer the more straightforward tracks on Gogol Bordello albums like Super Taranta! and Immigrant Punk, but you can find enough mashed into this album to make for a cross-genre, world music festival. This may be one of those albums that grows on you the more you hear it, but even at first "glance", there are a few tracks that deserve to end up in regular rotation. As an experimental side project, the album stands up well. Let me know what you think.

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