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She's a Business - Iggy Pop


When I first heard that Iggy Pop's new album was based on a novel by Michel Houellebecq, I was intrigued. Upon hearing a few of the tracks, I was convinced. While Mr. Pop may be the poster child for punk-rock sellout, he's definitely crafted something for music lovers to enjoy here. While I quite like King of the Dogs, Party Time, and the second rendition of Les Feuilles Mortes, my favorite from the album ("Preliminaires", for you French speakers out there) remains She's a business. You can't help but tap your toes to the solid beat while trying to decipher the slightly smeary lyrics. The whole things gives you a truck-stop sense, a visual of a woman strutting through a sleazy bar, metaphorically chewing up men and spitting them out as she goes. Now I'll have to read the book and see how far from the inspiration the song has taken me. I'll post again if I'm way off (or if I've really nailed it). Until then, enjoy!

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