Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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Monkey - Harry Belafonte


I've been fan of Harry Belafonte since I stole my parents' copy of "Jump Up Calypso" when I was a kid. While I enjoy almost every song on the record, Monkey has long been a favorite. It's such a goofy song, with the steel drums in the background and the monkey stealing his girl, that it stuck with me through the ensuing...several years, let's say.

For some reason, the song never made it onto the "Best of" compilations that get released for just about every major-to-mediocre recording artist, so I've not found a digital copy until today. Grooveshark has redeemed it's claim to offer "any song in the world" (although they didn't have Belafonte's Sweetheart from Venezuela, which was my back-up choice for this post. Just sayin'.)

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