Ignored, Maligned, and Forgotten Music

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River of Love - Taj Mahal


In keeping with the river motif, and the relief of the no-longer rising flood predictions, enjoy Taj Mahal and River of Love. It's a wonderful song, especially for a community that has not only shared a river of love with each other and the hundreds of volunteers who arrived over these past two weeks but who can start to forgive their beloved Red River, as long as it promises to behave itself for another year. With any luck, there will be permanent protection in place by then, and people can go back to enjoying it. (Maybe I'll post Muddy Water from Keb' Mo' tomorrow. I promise, I'll get off the flood theme as soon as they start picking up garbage and letting kids go back to school.)

Apparently the song was taken down from Grooveshark. I've found it on YouTube but this is the wrong album cover. Don't look, just enjoy.

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