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(I Wish That I Could Shimmy Like My) Sister Kate


I’m a sucker for the Andrews Sisters sound – gals in harmony, with some swingin’ music behind them, harking back to the days of World War II with some double entendre and matching outfits. Technically, the clothes aren’t part of the sound, but are all but required for latter-day imitators. The Ditty Bops sound and look nothing like this, except for one crucial exception: their cover of (I Wish That I Could Shimmy Like My) Sister Kate.

The song has been around for (depending who you ask) nearly a hundred years. Various versions have added or subtracted verses and instruments, but the basic idea remains. Each time I listen to the Ditty Bops version, I get the Tube Snake Boogie stuck in my head. Then I digress to Black Betty. But I keep coming back to Sister Kate. It makes me want to dance…to shimmy, to be exact.
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